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One Another Bible Verses

What does the Bible say about how Christians should treat one another? Grab this free Scripture writing plan with 54 one another Bible verses to study.

Did you know the phrase “one another” appears in the New Testament 100 times? Roughly half of those “one another” Bible verses relate to our interaction within the Christian community! Commands like love, honor, serve, care for, pray for, bear with, encourage, comfort, stir up, teach, and so many more. According to the Enhanced Strong’s […]

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Understanding the Importance of Biblical Festivals for Christians


If you have ever read through the Old Testament (primarily Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy), you quickly see the heavy requirements for keeping festivals. These “appointed days or assemblies” commemorated specific occasions when God, in His supernatural power, intervened for His people. By celebrating these holy days regularly, the Hebrews were perpetually reminded of Yahweh’s power and […]

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