My husband’s a gym junkie. He loves the weight room, the protein shakes, and the ability to lift more than he did before. Until, one day, he couldn’t. Without warning, he raised a weight, and his rotator cuff tore – completely.

Life is full of limits, isn’t it? My 5-foot three-inch height limits my ability to reach things on top shelves, change lightbulbs (even with a stepladder), and jump high enough to do much of anything.

Our physical boundaries often confine us to unreachable barriers. We strive in our strength with our abilities to overcome, and, without warning, we break.

But are limits really a bad thing? While it’s hard to say I like boundaries, they remind us we are finite beings who need a God beyond our confines. We need a God with infinite abilities.

If your life or current circumstances have limited your ability to reach something, to jump to new levels, or has restricted you to what you view as a mediocre life, you have been gifted with a divine invitation. An invitation not to endure your limits but to acknowledge His limitless ways of accomplishing things beyond your control.

This week, I pray these verses help you choose to see your limitations as a divine invitation from the One who can do far beyond anything you can ask, think, or imagine.

Key Verse: Jesus said, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Luke 18:27


  • Monday – Hezekiah knew it was a simple matter for the shadow cast by the sun to move forward, so he chose to ask for the impossible (move backward), and the Lord answered. So often we ask God for the simple matters we “think” He will do. Confess anything holding you back from asking God for the impossible.
    • It is a simple matter for the shadow to go forward ten steps, said Hezekiah. Instead, have it go back ten steps. 2 Kings 20:10
  • Tuesday – If we believe we’ve already received something, our natural response is gratitude. Spend time asking God for the impossible and thanking Him in advance for His answer. 
    • Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
  • Wednesday – After working all night for nothing, Christ tells Peter to try again. Though the request made no sense, Peter obeyed resulting in so many fish two boats began to sink. Immediately, Jesus redirects Peter’s destiny. Sometimes, our impossible situations are simply a redirection. Is God asking you to try the impossible again? Does your response mimic Peter’s, “But because you say so…” 
    • Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5
  • Thursday – Jesus asked His disciples for a humanly impossible task far beyond their resources – to feed 5000+ people. For them, and us, this impossible request was a divine invitation to see the Miracle Maker. Do you see your current inabilities and limitations as a divine invitation? Or do you allow them to defeat you?
    • But Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” “With what?” they asked. Mark 6:37
  • Friday – Before heading to the Cross, Jesus knew all things were possible but not suitable. It’s essential to recognize that although all things are possible for Him, not all things are within His will. Like Christ, we must be willing to accept answers that are contrary to our desires. Where has His answer been hard to accept? Ask God for a greater desire for His will over yours.
    • And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36

May these verses serve as a reminder that we serve a God greater than us, more powerful than heaven and earth who fights our battles and helps us in our impossible situations.

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