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Surviving Hard Seasons

Infuse: Relying On God’s Faithfulness

We sat in the dimly lit room, filled with only a few glimmering shirts and necklaces. Blackout paper covered the doors with signs on the outside serving as a reminder that all entries were to remain shut during the glow-in-the-dark performance. Only halfway through the recital, what started as a narrow ray of light from a […]

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Infuse: Walking In Hope Despite Circumstances / Drawing Hope From the Only Source

For ages, compasses have provided guidance and direction for pilots, hikers, sailors, and others. But in the midst of Maui’s deep valleys and towering mountains rests a place called Magnetic Peak. Surrounded by beauty yet lacking in luster, it will leave you wondering what direction is right. Buried within the rusty looking lava rock is an iron-rich magnetic […]

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Overcoming Doubt Despite Circumstances

I walked over to the sink, squeezed out the contents, and continued to clean up the broken jar, an economy-sized jar that filled the house with the tart smell of pickles. Like that sponge, my heart was filled with a sour smell of doubt—not a doubt in God’s ability but His willingness in my life. […]

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